How is your online visibility?

What a great end to our 2018 programme.  At our last event of the year hosted by Blacks Solicitors in Leeds, we focused on the concept of visibility.  We have all had moments where we missed a moment to contribute something impactful out of nerves, so what do we do?  We kick ourselves and promise we will be braver next time.  Easy, right? Not always, so here are some steps we can take to help us communicate with confidence.

  • Firstly how are you nurturing original thought?  What are you reading, watching and listening to help you have something engaging to say?
  • Secondly, when you speak are you being succinct?  People with gravitas have a refined ability to express themselves clearly and concisely.
  • Thirdly, understand what non verbal messages you are giving out through your body language.  In order to convey confidence we have to look confident.  We need to be congruent in our words, tone and movements for others to believe it.

In this digital age, presenting the right personal brand image online is also an important part of visibility.  Taking time to get your online presence right is worth it – this is your shopfront.  Ellie Rich-Poole – The Recruitment Coach shared some invaluable tips on how to make the most of our LinkedIn profiles for that all important online networking.

How can we build greater visibility on Linkedin?

  1. Get your profile to be an accurate representation of you – a competent, capable and  engaging professional. We have to be bolder in our self-promotion – remember, no one is going to do it for you!
  2. Transition from being that passive observer that ‘likes’ other people’s content. This is a good place to start but let’s remember the ‘social’ in social media. You have to start a few conversations too.
  3. Connect with the right people. What are you looking to achieve on LinkedIn? Who is your audience?  Start being more strategic in your approach to ensure that when you are posting you are getting your voice heard by the right people.

Click here to read more of Ellie’s tips on having a successful LinkedIn profile.

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